
about me




Secret challenge | the museum







The goal of Secret Challenge | THE MUSEUM is to attract young adults to (art) museums. Where an art museum visit now offers an individual and passive experience, the concept changes a museum visit to a social, unique and active experience. This kind of experience fits better to the demand of the target group.


Young adults bring a visit to the museum with a group of friends. In the museum they carry out challenges individually or in duo’s, while trying not to get caught while performing the challenge. These ‘secret challenges’ are challenging the youth to look at the art and the museum from a different perspective and discuss their own perspective. Next to these provoking challenges the playful challenges and group challenges add sociability and dynamics to the group in a fun way.


To support the groups in the continuity of their experience and help them start in-depth discussions about art, ‘art transportation cases’ are found throughout the museum where visitors can perform extra challenges using the system that is hidden inside the transport case.


The concept is developed by Michelle in cooperation with Bruns bv and and was discussed with Rijksmuseum and Van Abbemuseum. Eventually it was tested at Van Abbemuseum, where one of the art transport cases was exhibited for 3 weeks.


Want to know more? Please check out the report.

“A beautiful and appealing product which works!! In my opinion this is an idea which can easily be applied to many art museums. With the right implementation and marketing and after growing up a bit more it could really become a new thing which works in the museum world.”


Ilone Bloemen, company coach Bruns bv,

Secret Challenge | THE MUSEUM






Bruns bv,


Video (impression during user test):



Final master project, M2



Joep Frens (TU/e), Erik Groot (, Ilone Bloemen (Bruns bv)



Communication & collaboration, Technology and realization, User & society, Creativity & aesthetics, Design & research processes, Math, data & computing, Business & entrepreneurship


Key learning points:

Back end programming using data structures (Javascript, PHP & MySQL), user involvement techniques (focus group, co-constructed stories), professional collaboration, planning, multiple stakeholder involvement, game design, benchmarking / market trends, style and visual design, analyzing user studies (thematic analyses), sustainable prototyping, concept development (Disney loop), vision integration, scientific writing, presenting



Feedback Ilone Bloemen (Bruns bv.)

Feedback Erik Groot (





February 2018-February 2019