
about me




Mini projects | visual





Within my studies my graduation project 'Secret Challenge | THE MUSEUM' demonstrates best what I can do visually. I did many different graphic design projects next to my studies. Here is an overview of a few of them.


Designing several logo's for different purposes and clients with different preferences and wishes; such as a new logo for a café, research group and design squad. All final logo's became the new logo's of these companies / groups. The logo for the research group was submitted to a logo design competition, where the winner was rewarded for the logo, and won.


Designing a remembrance badge for a carnaval association.


Designs of promotion material such as booklets, flyers and posters for a café and sport clubs.


For fun I made a new style design for the game 'de Mol' that went out of production so I could make and play it. To create a fitting style I needed to take into account the goals of the game. By creating a coherent style for the game ‘de mol’ I understood the game dynamics better and this helped me further my knowledge and skills in game design.


Sweater and bag designs for the musicals during my 'theatre internship' and for my family before I went to travel South America for a year.